Restaurant Reservations
Seaside Dining Experience
Our restaurant, seamlessly integrated with the seaside terrace, offers a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, allowing you to unwind in a tranquil setting surrounded by nature. With a focus on providing a welcoming atmosphere for locals to relax and enjoy themselves, we extend heartfelt hospitality to ensure a delightful experience for all.
- Hours
Breakfast 00:00~00:00 (Last Order 00:00)
Lunch 00:00~00:00 (Last Order 00:00)
Teatime 00:00~00:00 (Last Order 00:00)
Dinner 00:00~00:00 (Last Order 00:00)
- Seats
00 Seats (Seaside Terrace: 00 Seats)
*All Seats Non-smoking
- Contact
Restaurant Reservations
TEL: +81-072-260-0000